Saturday, November 23, 2013

Illegals screwing USA


Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:25:13 -0800

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:05 PM, Jean Smith <> wrote:
Shameful what we have allowed our country to become.      G
From a friend in Florida
From a friend in Florida
Having spent three weeks in a hospital in Naples, Florida with my wife I couldn't help noticing what was going on in the hospital and I had a lot of time to talk to the doctors and nurses about what I had observed. Below is a commentary from an ER Doctor. Do you think this might be a big reason our health care system and our social security system are so screwed up?
Do you think this might be a big reason our taxes keep going up? Who do you think these people are going to vote for?
From a Florida ER doctor:
"I live and work in a state overrun with illegal's. They make more money having kids than we earn working full-time. Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that's right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to say, "We are the dumbest nation on earth." Now I must say and sadly admit: WE are the dumbest people on earth (that includes ME) for we elected the idiot ideologues who have passed the bills that allow this. Sorry, but we need a revolution. Vote them all out.
This is an insult and a kick in the butt to all of us...Get mad and pass it on - I don't know how, but maybe some good will come of this travesty.
If the immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004.
She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22.'
It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in social assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month.
This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!
Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012 and the pensioners up to $2,470.
Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.
Check this on Snopes

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

'Let Me Tell Ya': Let's Really Go Fishing, for Some Tools That Is | 2013-04-22 | National Driller

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Tech Topics: Constant-pressure Systems

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Pumps, Timers

Submersible pumps, timers, control boxes, etc.

The first thing to check with a voltmeter, is the voltage at the meter. Next check voltage at the control box or timer. If no control box , check voltage where cable goes down to pump. If voltage at cable at top of well, check for open/ short on conductors at top of well, likely one or the other, if not check at motor on pump when pulled. Check pump for open/ short or for resistance/impedance. Likely open or short. If in doubt apply voltage to pump. If runs, check cable from pump to top and connections at pump. Voltage normally 230 vac. Occasionally, 115 vac. Timers problems, check voltage at timer. Check switch & motor voltage. Likely find discrepancy in one of previous items. Where a pressure tank exists, it is a 20/40 or 30/50---pressure (psi) on/off. Check pressure in tank --should be around the " cut on " pressure 18 or 28. Most problems are with pressure switch contacts ( replace PS ). Always check voltage at PS first.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Maximize windmill life

1.  Keep oiled, they all leak after a few month operation. ( heavy weight oil recommended)
2.  Keep tail pulled in about 1/2 way-- no need to run wide open.  Wind may come up when you aren't around to shut it down.
3.  No pump reasons
     A ). Leak in pipe
     B).  Bad leathers, bad check valves , or plunger valve, or worn/ dirty cylinder
     C).  Not in water far enough, at least ten feet recommended .
      D) broken pump rod
      E) broken trolley ( rod out), broken trolley drive mechanism.
4.   In cold areas, weep hole important plus rod relief if weep hole stopped up and rod freezes --- prevents damage to tower rod or head.

5. Redundant check valve by installing cylinder( with good check valve ) with no plunger at end of active cylinder.  Good for dirty wells.

6.  Periodically ( when oiling) check mast bracket mounting bolts for tightness----very important !!!!

Texas AG Abbott Answers Question, ‘What Does a Lawn Deserve?’ | 2013-11-12 | National Driller

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Fwd: National Driller Virtual Showcase--November 2013 Edition

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National Driller Virtual Showcase
November 2013
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Welcome to National Driller's Virtual Showcase
Much like the magazine's Product Showcase, here National Driller is pleased to present a selection of drilling-related products and equipment you're sure to enjoy.

Don't Compromise One Bit

Install conductor, top-hole, surface, mouse-hole and horizontal casings quickly and efficiently — through overburden and rock — with our complete line of weld-on Casing Shoes. Each heat-treated bit utilizes a wide variety of carbide inserts…induction braised or press-fit, depending on your specific down-hole requirements. Our USA-made Casing Shoes have already found their way down large diameter borings worldwide.

For more information, call:
Indianapolis - 317-780-0117 or
Pennsylvania - 610-417-8928


Simco 7000 Drill Rig

The Simco 7000 is definitely the workhorse of the Simco lineup. The 7000 is available with 320 feet of automated drill rod handling, making your job quick and easy! Drillers are amazed with its power and ease of operation from day one. With Simco, you are not just buying a drill rig, you are getting unmatched service and support that you won't find anywhere else.

For more information, go to


Fabco Hydraulic Generators

If size matters in your mobile AC power applications, Fabco Power's new high-tech electric power hydraulic generator system is the industry's smallest. Now available in 7.5 kW and 20 kW at 120/240 volts. Freqency regulation +/- 0 percent. The new system is easy to install and includes a generator, motor, cooler, tank, filter, pump, soft start, digital meters and electronic control unit.

For more information, go to


Drive Shoes and Couplings

Wellmaster Drive Shoes use quality steel tube and precision CNC machines to give you the high quality shoe you expect. Our drive shoes come in five styles – Cable Tool, Rotary, Threaded, Weld On and Budget. Sizes available range from 2" to 36". Wellmaster specializes in API Couplings as well as Reamed and Drifted Couplings. Using the same precision CNC machines, coupling sizes available range from 2-3/8" to 13-3/8".

For more information, go to


Palmer Bit's New PDC Designs

Palmer Bit introduced Diamond Devil PDC bits in 2005, growing market reach in geothermal and mining. The company listened to customer feedback to design new versions: a 4-wing for fast cutting in soft formations, and a 6-wing for harder, more fractured formations. Owner Kevin Christensen tells customers: "I am proud to say we have new bits that fit their need, and we have field performance results to back it up."

For more information,
go to

For information on participating in the Virtual Showcase, contact
Dean Laramore
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Saturday, November 2, 2013